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13th September 2024 

Frequently asked Questions, Useful Links and Data Control

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is counselling for?
For those who:
• have experienced bereavement, separation or divorce
• are experiencing relationship difficulties
• feel depressed
• feel anxious
• experience a lack of self confidence or self esteem
• feel stressed
• feel they are being bullied
• would like to explore personal growth
... and others issues that you would like to bring

What benefits can be expected?
This will partly depend on what you decide you want to get out of counselling. My aim is to improve the quality of your life. We will work towards your goals together.

Some of the benefits may include:
• increased self esteem
• improved relationships
• increased self awareness
• increased ability to cope with problems
• easing the pain of loss
• having time and space to air your feelings to someone

Will what I say be Confidential?
I treat all information disclosed to me as confidential. Any information my supervisor receives is also treated as confidential, protecting any personally identifiable and sensitive information.
Should I feel a client is either a danger to themselves or others, I may be obliged to inform an outside agency, eg. a GP, but would try, whenever possible, to discuss this with my client first.

How do I make an appointment?
If you would like to make an appointment or ask me any questions, please contact me either by e-mail or by telephone on 07792967790 There is a confidential voicemail if I am unable to take your call. All messages will be responded to as soon as I can but please bear in mind that I may be with clients so cannot always reply immediately.

What happens at an appointment?
The first 'assessment' appointment is a chance for us to meet and discuss the issues that you want to bring and what you would like to get out of coming for counselling. You may find that I ask more questions in the first session than usual as I need to gain an understanding of your background and history and your current situation.
It is important for us to both feel comfortable working together.
If we decide to go ahead with further appointments, we would agree a time to meet, usually weekly, initially.
There is no obligation to continue. Sometimes a person may decide that counselling is not for them or it may be more appropriate for you to contact another organisation or counsellor.

Some people find it helpful to have an initial appointment with more than one counsellor and then make a decision as to who they feel most comfortable with.

You may also find it helpful to read the information published by BACP on Seeking a Therapist Seeking a Therapist

How do I make the most of counselling?
You can get the best results by:
• being open
• saying how you are really feeling
• giving me honest feedback on how you experience the counselling, what is helpful and if there is anything you don't like, do let me know so that we can work through it. Working through things that happen in the therapy that you feel you don’t like is part of the therapy. If there are things that you don’t feel ready to talk about that is ok too.

How often and for how long will I need to come?
Appointments are usually at the same day and time each week, but there is some flexibility. Sessions last for one hour.

I offer all prospective clients an assessment session.This provides both of us with the opportunity of deciding if we wish to work together. We would then agree on an initial number of sessions and at the end of this period review the situation again.
If it is decided not to continue working together I will attempt to provide, wherever possible, alternative counsellors or agencies to contact.

The number of sessions depends on what you are bringing to counselling. Some people find that 6 sessions are enough while others may prefer to look at things in more depth or have on going support and have longer term counselling.

When am I available?
I am available:

My latest appointment time is 16:00

If you call and I am in session my answer phone will be available for you to leave a message - I will get back to you as soon as I can.

How much will it cost?
My fee for individuals is £55 per 50 minute appointment. Payment by an individual is made by BACS for each session. There is a £5 supplement for appointments from 5.30pm during the week and on Saturdays, when available.

You are free to terminate your counselling at any time and at the end of an agreed number of sessions we can jointly assess progress and whether you wish to continue. If you do decide to finish, please let me know during a session rather than phoning or non-attendance.

How long is each session?
Each session lasts for 50 minutes and I ask clients to be punctual to make full use of the time available If you are late arriving we will still need to end the session at the usual time so as not to delay the next person.

I leave 15 minutes between sessions so as to allow those people wishing to remain anonymous the opportunity of doing so. Arriving at the appointed time rather than early will help ensure client confidentiality. There is no waiting room so please arrive at your appointed time.

What happens if I miss or cancel sessions?
Missed appointments and cancelled sessions are chargeable in full. If you are unable to keep your appointment, I ask that you give me at least three working days notice; otherwise the full fee is chargeable, unless it is absolutely exceptional circumstances.
If you need to cancel a session, you must do so during normal office hours of 9am to 5.30pm, giving at least 72 hours notice, otherwise the fee will be charged. Please note this does not include Saturday, Sundays or Bank Holidays. For example if you wish to cancel a session scheduled for 10am on Monday morning, you must cancel before 10am on the previous Thursday (or Wednesday if the Friday is a Bank Holiday). With reasonable notice (48hours) I will try to find you another appointment during the same week your appointment is in. If that is not possible the session will be forfeit and the fee will be charged.

What is supervision?
Supervision is a form of consultative support for counsellors to discuss their work regularly with someone who is experienced in counselling and qualified in counselling supervision. The task is to work together to ensure and develop the efficacy of the counsellor/client relationship. Any information my supervisor receives is treated as confidential protecting any personally identifiable and sensitive information.

Good counselling should feel safe and enable you to talk about things that you may not feel able to talk about to family and friends.

You may find these links useful:

The British association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

The Samaritans 24 hour support

MIND National Association for Mental Health

Jill Curtis Helpsite for families and step families going through divorce

Children and Divorce, helping your children when you are divorcing Children and Divorce

Dorothy Rowe Psychologist and Author

FamilyLives Help with parenting family life

Winston's Wish charity for bereaved children, helps young people re-adjust to life after the death of a parent or sibling -

Womens Aid help for women in abusive relationships

Mens Aid help for men struggling with divorce or abuse

Twelves company(SARC), Plymouth if you have been sexually abused Twelves company

Yourwellness online magazine

Julia's Facebook Therapy Page

Rehab Centre Rehab Centre

Rachel Lane Rachel Lane

Carolyn Gillan Carolyn Gillan

Addiction and Sleep Recovery Guide Addiction and Sleep Recovery Guide

Confidentiality, Privacy and Data Control